Vietnam? WTF? I'm sitting in room 523 at McClaren Hospital. I had my left hip replaced yesterday. Oh, nevermind, I'm just looking at trees on Mott Golf Course an can see a few local hoodrats sauntering up Sunset Drive, the strange reddish glow from the streetlights remind of the light flairs they used in the big battle scene that was at the end of the movie "Platoon..."
Weird dreams indeed from Ketamine, Morphone, Dilaudid and the other opiate-
You know that guy for Geico who's all like "Does using Geico to save money as smart as having an ex-Drill Seargant? for a therapist?" Well, He and the Drill Seargant were tag-teaming Flo from the Progressive commercials hardcore-style in the bathroom of a coffee shop/ desert tourist store that was built to resemble a Tee-Pee, while the gecco from Geico was kocking boots with the Aflac duck a few miles away, in the middle of the section of US-10 from the "Fear And Loathing" movie until Iggy Pop and Henry Rollins ran them over while Henry was receiting his piece "Hey Henriettta," and right where he gets to the part about "Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? BECAUSE I SHOT HIM!" Iggy cranked the throttle down (they were riding on a Vincent Black Shadow (Henry was riding bitch, and Iggy of course was shirtless)) and they flattened the duck and the gecco went flying and got impaled on a cactus. Iggy deftly yelled back at Henry, "Chickens? FUCK CHICKENS! We can't stop here, this is DUCK COUNTRY!"
Iggy and Henry continued to drive on and stopped at the diner for coffee and the dream turned into the scene from "Coffee and Cigarettes" but with the addition of Henry Rollins. Henry was at the jukebox and laughing at both Tom Waits and Iggy because their songs weren't on the juke box, but "TV Party" was and instead of shouting out the names of TV shows during the bridges, the names of the insurance companies were barked out. Iggy got upset and excused himself to the restroom where he found William S. Burroughs and Jim Carrol were chopping up and fixing the gecco and asked him if he wanted a hit and Iggy told them that that shit had killed Sid Vicious, as he rolled up his sleeve (he was suddenly wearimg a shirt somehow). The drill seargant came out of the stall in which he was banging the Geico insurance guy with a gun an stated that NO ONE WAS TO KNOW that he was queer, and shot them all; the bathroom was the bathroom that they shot Henry Rollins in on "The Sons Of Anarchy."
The Drill Seargent walked out into the dining room, set his gun (a 9mm Glock) on the table in front of Tom and grabbed Henry, threw him against the wall and asked him how tall he was, that he didn't know that they could stack shit that high.
This dream has A+++++ feedback, would watch again......
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